Mendengar musik tidak harus sendirian

Billboard membuat wawancara dengan Daniel Levitin, seorang neuroscientist, tentang bagaimana orang yang saling berbagi ketika mendengar musik. Liputan wawancara ini ditulis oleh Andrew Flanagan.

Salah satu pertanyaan yang diajukan Billboard kepada Daniel Levitin adalah bagaimana selera musik seseorang dapat memberi gambaran tentang orang tersebut. Daniel menjawab:

“We have some work on this. The Sonos study didn't address this so much, although we may be able to pull that out with a little more time. My collaborator Jason Rentfrow and I are working on a series of studies where we try to correlate musical tastes -- we call it musical preferences just because that's the term the journals use for it -- with things like your personality traits, your propensity for being generous or misanthropic or argumentative or easy-to-get-along with or punctual, conscientious, introverted. All of these personality traits have a genetic basis, your genes don't determine them completely but they give you a predisposition. We find very strong correlations between these genetic traits and musical preferences. Some of them, like you said, were a little obvious, as a general thing if somebody tends to be introverted and well-educated and enjoys order and precision, they tend to like jazz not heavy metal.”

Baca wawancara lengkapnya di: What Does Music Do to Us When We Listen Together? Neuroscientist Daniel Levitin Helps Sonos Find Out: Q&A
