Tipe Kepribadian dan Kreativitas

Adrienne Branson menulis post tentang bagaimana proses kreatif dipengaruhi oleh tipe-tipe kepribadian tertentu. Latar belakang tulisan Adrienne adalah sebuah publikasi studi/penelitian di tahun 2014 tentang hubungan antara kepribadian dengan kreativitas.

Adrienne menulis:

“Step two in improving your creative output and your creative achievements is to identify your creative process, according to these two process types as identified in the study: 

Generation, which involves coming up with new ideas (quantity — someone who has lots of ideas); and, 

Selection, which involves narrowing down your ideas to their best version (quality — someone who has a few good ideas).”

Lewat tulisan itu, Adrienne berharap pembaca dapat memahami bagaimana tipe-tipe kepribadian mempengaruhi proses kreativitas.
