Siap masuk dunia kerja

Scott Jaschik menulis artikel tentang hasil survey The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU).

Di dalam laporan hasil itu, AACU menyatakan:

"When it comes to the types of skills and knowledge that employers feel are most important to workplace success, large majorities of employers do NOT feel that recent college graduates are well prepared. This is particularly the case for applying knowledge and skills in real-world settings, critical thinking skills, and written and oral communication skills — areas in which fewer than three in 10 employers think that recent college graduates are well prepared. Yet even in the areas of ethical decision-making and working with others in teams, many employers do not give graduates high marks," the AACU report says.

Para mahasiswa perguruan tinggi merasa diri mereka siap masuk dan menjalani proses di dunia kerja, namun orang-orang yang sudah menjadi pegawai/karyawan menganggap sebaliknya.
