Henry Chesbrough tentang Open Innovation

Henry Chesbrough dalam artikelnya, “Open Innovation: Striving for Innovation Success in the 21st Century”, memaparkan bagaimana Open Innovation diperlukan agar inovasi di abad 21 dapat mencapai kesuksesan.

Henry Chesbrough menulis:

“More generally for services, innovation must negotiate a tension between standardization and customization. The former allows activities to be repeated many times with great efficiency, spreading the fixed costs of those activities over many transactions. The latter allows each customer to get what he or she wants for high personal satisfaction. The problem is that standardization denies customers much of what they prefer, while customization undermines the efficiencies available from standardization.”

Menurut Henry Chesbrough perusahaan atau organisasi haruslah menggunakan gagasan eksternal sama baiknya dengan gagasan internal.
